Top Line Summary

  • Delighted to score first goal
  • Happy to link up with Idah
  • Disappointed at drawing the game
  • ​Remaining positive despite dropped points

Everything Celtic’s Nicolas Kühn said to the media after his side’s 1-1 draw against Aberdeen on Saturday afternoon…

What did you make of the game?

I am happy to score my first goal for Celtic, but we wanted to take the three points. It is frustrating.  We came here for the three points, and we are disappointed, but we need to keep going. We have a chance to do better this week.

Are you happy with the impact you made?

That is why I came on and the coach brought me on because he wanted me to make an impact. I am happy I scored but in the end, it wasn’t good enough.

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You came on with Adam Idah. What did you think of your collective performances?

We did some positive stuff.  We linked up and I am hoping you will see even more in the coming weeks.

What’s your favourite position to play on the pitch?

I don’t prefer any side. I played a lot for my previous club on the right side but I can also come over to the left or even the middle.

Are you 100 per cent fit now?

This was my second game in seven weeks now. I have to get used to playing again. I am settling down in Glasgow and I am feeling better and better.

What did you think of the banner at the end?

We have some pressure here because we have to win, and we want to win every game. We just have to do better next week. I have played with some big clubs before with the same expectations.  It is nothing new for me.

Do you like that pressure?

It is good. I don’t think you can go in and think the middle of the table is enough. That is one of the reasons why I came here.

Is there more to come from you?

Of course, there is so much more to come. As I said, it is only my second game and I hope to show over the coming weeks I can get better and better.

How have you settled into Scotland since arriving?

I am good. I have my apartment now. I am still waiting for my bed. Things are getting better and better.

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Does the club need to stay positive despite this result?

Yes, there is a long way to go and a lot of games to play. Of course, we need to be positive.  We need the fans, and we also need to stay together, so we can improve and get better and better in every game.

Do you still think you can win the title?

Of course, the quality of the team is very good. We will also give our best every week.

Were you surprised it was 0-0 at half-time? And were you amazed Celtic never won the game?

In the first half, we had a couple of good chances and we just needed to score. It was a little more difficult to go 1-0 down but we showed some character and came back. We wanted three points because one is not enough. We are a bit disappointed.  We can’t drop too many points, but we need to keep going.