Everything Celtic goalkeeper Joe Hart had to say in his first press conference of pre-season.

It's the first time that we've spoken to any of the players since the departure of Ange Postecoglou. What were your feelings when the manager left? 

Look, we shared two really special years together, they were obviously very successful. People are interested in what you're going to be doing next and what your ideas are and look, Ange had a decision to make and he made it. We absolutely loved working under him and I really enjoyed my time personally, I really get on with him as a person and I wish him all the best. Football's got this kind of magical way of it keeps moving. Next, we get the news that Brendan's coming in and we've got a new focus and a new task. 

Does it show how good a job Ange did here at Celtic that someone like Spurs came in for him?

Yeah, look, it speaks volumes. We had, like I said, two excellent years of exciting football front-foot football and we managed to win five out of the six domestic trophies. We did our best in Europe. That was definitely something we felt like we could improve on and we can look to do that under Brendan Rodgers now.

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How have things been since Brendan Rodgers returned to Celtic?

Look, we've only been together a couple of days now, but he's an exceptional guy. I've had run-ins in the past with him as an opponent and I actually bumped into him a few times on holiday. He is a lovely person, first and foremost, which is very important and a very successful manager. He has a huge drive. He's laid it on the line. He's actually stood here in front of us and let us know that. Our priority may be what we did last year, but that was last year and we now need to build on it and try and improve and push each other. 

What were those initial interactions like on his return? 

It's not a return to me, but I know what you mean. Look, he's super positive. You can tell that he absolutely loves the club. You know if he was to take his managerial hat off, he's a Celtic fan. He's made it very clear that he's able to separate business and pleasure and we are here for business. We're here to work. We're here to be successful and to push each other and try and get the best out of each other. He wants to push the young guys. He wants the older guys to help with clear messages, and I'm excited to work under him. 

How do you build on a treble? 

You put it behind you. We enjoyed it. We worked really hard to get it and achieved what we did last season, but that was last season and football, as I said, in terms of people moving on and things changing, it just keeps moving forward and you can't live in the past. New season, new opportunities. Everyone else is in that kind of bubble at the moment in that they're looking at us as a new season and a fresh start and everyone's going to be chasing the pot of gold at the end and we are no different. 

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Will your focus be on Europe next season?

It will be the same. This club since I've been here has loved being in Europe and strongly believes it belongs in Europe. We want to be successful in Europe and that's no different under this manager and under this group of players. 

For confidence under Brendan, can you reach that next level? Domestically you are okay, but can you kick on in Europe and keep improving under Brendan? 

Look, we'll see. Obviously, that's the intention. You know, that's the buzz, that's the feeling. Ultimately it's about where we are at as a group. You know what it's like with a transfer window and things changing all the time. We need to put ourselves in a really good core position until September comes. Like I say, we just got to reach and push and try and help each other and work together. We've built up some good momentum so far and we don't intend on losing it. 

You will be without Jota this season, as he was instrumental those last two years with the success that you guys had. How will you cope without him?

Yeah, Jota did really well for us. We wish him all the best. As I was talking about before with Ange, with success, football changes real quick and we loved having him and I'm sure he loved being here. It just opens a great opportunity for someone else to come and play for this great club and really build a career for themselves or for one of the boys who didn't maybe get as much game time last year to step in. There are just opportunities galore and new names that, hopefully the fans are going to be singing about. 

With so many changes in football, how good is it to see Kyogo Furuhashi committing his future to the club?

It is huge. What a great bit of news that was. I love him as a person and he is a beautiful person and an exceptional footballer. He has been brilliant since he came in and really shone for us last year in big moments. He sets the tone for a high press in an exciting football team. He is loved here and, obviously, he has felt that because he has committed a real important time in his career to this club and we appreciate that.

Is that a bit of a statement from the club in terms of their ambitions going forward that they have managed to keep a hold of him?

I think so but I think the statement of the club is that if you want to be here and you are playing well then you are welcome. If you don't, then we will look for someone that does.

This is the last year of your contract. Do you think you have something to prove to further that contract?

Something to prove? Difficult to say at this point in my career. I have been consistent... I have loved being here. I have loved not being in that part of that career where I am always trying to think of the chess moves in terms of if I do this I am going to get there and if I do that, I am going to get there. I am loving what is going on. I am kind of on the other side of the business and politics of it. I am literally just here to do my best and things will work out as they go. I am just trying to enjoy playing for a club that has been so good for me.

How do you feel about coming up against Jack Butland this season?

It is a good move for him. I go way back with Jack and I am very respectful of the two clubs we play for, so I am not really going to go into it. I am happy he has found a home.

Have you spoken to him?

Yeah, of course. We are going to share the same city. I have a lot of respect for what goes on between the two clubs and I am sure he is going to go on and do his thing and I will try to do mine.

A word for James Forrest as he approaches his testimonial?

Unbelievable. I have not been on the journey with James but I have certainly sat in a dressing room with him for the last two years and you would not think he is the guy you just spoke about there. One of the most decorated and successful, a Quadruple Treble winner. He is a superb person and someone I have loved sharing a dressing room with. There have been some big moments in the two years I have been here. He has had some setbacks with injury but he is always there and representing and I think it is amazing that the club are able to celebrate someone like him as a player and a person. What a moment for himself and his family. I really hope I am going to be a part of it. It will be a great night. 

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It is unusual in this day and age and that someone stays at a club and finds success for such a long time, isn't it?

It really is. We talked about it earlier, things change, and you do well or you don't do well but James is hugely committed to Celtic. He has been here since he has been a young boy. He is not going to be looking elsewhere, is he? He loves it and he is loved. On the weekly football cycle, there are ups and downs but this is just a moment to forget about all that and just enjoy the fact that good things are happening to a good person.

Have you been keeping an eye on the Ashes?

Yes, I enjoy giving people in this building information who don't care. It is amazing. I love cricket and could go on for hours about it.