Neil Lennon believes current Celtic skipper Callum McGregor could forge a career in football management just like Scott Brown.

Brown is currently cutting his teeth in England's League One with Fleetwood Town who he guided to 13th spot in his maiden season at the Highbury helm.

And the former Celtic manager insists that McGregor is cut from the same cloth as Brown and reckons that he could cope with a coaching job in the future if he wished to steer his career down that route.

Speaking to The Herald, he said: "For me, he (McGregor) has all the attributes to do that job further down the line.

"He already operates like a coach on the pitch and that’s why he’s the captain. He had a great role model in Broony (Scott Brown) and the pair of them were as thick as thieves for a long time.

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"Callum’s a player of high intelligence and great discipline and he’s as professional as you can get: he’s a manager’s dream, really.

"Callum has a totally different personality from his predecessor. Broony is more outgoing and more feisty, whereas Callum is cold but he reads the game brilliantly and is very good tactically on top of that.

"He can be flexible with his approach to games and you only need to tell him something once and he gets it immediately.

"Tactically, he’s spot on and I do believe that once he stops playing he will be a very, very good coach."Celtic Way: Celtic Way Specia lOffer

Meanwhile, David Turnbulll may have reached a career crossroads at Celtic. The Scotland international, who joined from Motherwell in 2020, is entering the final year of his current contract but there has been no talk of an extension to his deal as of yet.

The 23 year-old has scored five goals from 36 appearances this season but has started just three games since the 2022 World Cup finals in Qatar with two of them coming in the Scottish Cup against Morton and St Mirren.

Is this the end of the green and white road for Turnbull or Will the ex-Motherwell midfielder be offered a new contract?

Join Tony Haggerty and Ryan McGinlay in the video below as they discuss all this and more in the video below.