Chris Sutton offered a blunt response as he was quizzed on a potential Celtic exit for Brendan Rodgers.

The former Parkhead striker responded to a Premier League return theory from Theo Walcott but insisted it won't happen in the near future.

Ex-Arsenal and England striker Walcott claimed a few clubs would "bite your hand off" to have Rodgers as their manager as he floated the theory with Sutton.

But, after initially suggesting it'd be better if he didn't answer the question, Sutton shut down the poser as he insisted Rodgers won't leave Celtic anytime soon - even If he could head back down south further down the line.

On BBC's Monday Night Club, Walcott said: "On Brendan Rodgers, could you see him coming back to the Premier League?

"There is obviously a lot of chat about certain managers coming and going.

"Do you think we will see him again in the Premier League?"

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Initially somewhat hesitant, Sutton said: "I probably am better not to answer that at this stage.

"I think he has a three-year-deal and I don't think it's something at this stage...."

Walcott then attempted to justify his line of questioning as he stated: "The reason I say it is because of the way he manages and structures a team.

"I feel like when you are talking about certain teams that are looking for a certain manager who has experience of maintaining a squad and have that aura - there are a few clubs that would bite your hand off for him."

Sutton conceded he couldn't rule out another Premier League managerial spell for Rodgers but stated in no uncertain terms that it would not happen in the immediate future.

He responded: "Yeah, further down the line that might happen, but not right now."