Thoughts on the game?

We knew it was going to be a tough game. Coming here to see the fans was excellent and it gave us a right good lift. I thought for the majority of the game we played well and created some really good chances and probably on another day we could go on and win the game.

Disappointed not to win the game?

Yeah, it is disappointing. When you get into the latter stages of the game it is all about fitness and concentration. You have to work hard to keep your structure together. It is all about the pass through the middle of the pitch that leads to the penalty. Maybe it is a penalty or maybe it is not but it is disappointing from a fitness aspect but we will get there.

The team looked very fluid. Did the system allow for that?

When you have so many runners in the team, Daizen Maeda, Kyogo Furuhashi, Liel Abada and even the midfield boys joining in, it can be easier to play one pass in behind, so we don't want to be a team that just plays it short we want to hit teams in behind as well. There were some good instances of that today.

How do you think the new players faired?

I thought they did really well. They are brand new in terms of trying to fit into the system so it is up to us guys to teach them and help them understand what it means to be a Celtic player and play in a Celtic team. The early signs are really good and we just need to continue to work with them as well.

You always get tremendous support in Ireland, don't you?

Yeah, that was one of the things about taking the team over here, you want to thank the fans for their support. We are delighted to be here.

Roll on next week. Bit of work to do in the meantime though.

Yeah, that’s it. You know, another hard week, we've got James’ (Forrest) game on Tuesday,  then we freshen up and then the serious stuff comes next Saturday, so we have to be ready.